Sunday, February 9, 2020

Solemnity of St. Scholastica

On our patronal feast of St. Scholastica, we wish all our friends every blessing!
Those who gaze upon the infinite beauty of God never cease to find in that vision new and amazing depths, surpassing all the mind had previously comprehended. They are filled with wonder at this continual revelation, but at the same time always long to see more, knowing that any fresh vision is certain to be more splendid, more divine, than what they have already seen. The bride in the Song of Songs is in constant wonder and amazement at what she is beginning to see, yet never stops longing to see more. Listening in silence she hears the voice of the Word re-echo: Open to me, my sister, my companion, dove, my perfect one. Reflection will teach you the meaning of these words.
From a homily on the Song of Songs by St. Gregory of Nyssa

Probably 1470-80, from the Leisborn Altarpiece